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“Gisele is an extraordinary teacher. She has that rare combination of a background in science and a total openness to the mystery of attention. In her classes, she embodies all the best of Feldenkrais’ teaching, the curiosity, the enthusiasm, the quiet confidence that we have no limits.”
~Cheryl Smith PhD, Kelowna Feldenkrais Trainee
“Gisele’s deep inquiry into her own practice of the Feldenkrais Method and openness to exploring ways of more deeply understanding what we do opens new possibilities and perspectives for us all in our learning journeys. Your curiosity will be brought to the fore!"
~Julie Peck, Trainer
“A beginner’s mind, joyful curiosity, compassion, and clarity are but a few key elements that Gisele brings to her teaching of the Feldenkrais Method. A humanist at heart, she combines her years of experience and deep consideration of Feldenkrais’s teachings with her love of anatomy to convey this Method in a supportive learning environment, encouraging students to experience the relevance of all their explorations beyond awareness of their movement on the floor.”
~Carol Magee, Kelowna Feldenkrais Trainee

Gisele St. Hilaire has had a vibrant Feldenkrais practice since becoming a practitioner in 2001. She became a certified Assistant Trainer in 2009. She is currently working as such in the Kelowna Feldenkrais Teacher Training. She loves to laugh and brings her many interests to bear on her work as a Feldenkrais practitioner.
Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, ATM™, FI™ are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais® Guild of North America.