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Home to All Things Feldenkrais - Sunyata Movement Studio Inc.

Overcome pain or injuries by changing the way you move. With the Feldenkrais Method®, I'll help you reprogram your movement patterns.



Overcome pain or injuries by changing the way you move.
With the Feldenkrais Method®, I'll help you reprogram your movement patterns.

Insights on Movement: Recent Blog Highlights

Got Back Pain? Why Strength and Flexibility Don’t Cut it, And What to Do About It

By Gisele St. Hilaire , April 21, 2016 , 3

If you’ve got back pain, keep reading. Otherwise, you can just skip this post and go on with whatever you were doing before landing here. Because this post is written specifically for people who want to understand why they’re having back pain even after doing everything they’ve been told by medical professionals and/or fitness coaches. […]

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Mind Body Connection: Myth or Fact? [Part 2]

By Gisele St. Hilaire , April 15, 2016 , 6

In Part 1 of Mind Body Connection: Myth or Fact? I suggested that maybe there is no mind body connection. To get the most form this post, you probably want to read Part 1 first. In it I proposed that rather than think of the mind and body as separate aspects which happen to be […]

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Mind Body Connection: Myth or Fact?

By Gisele St. Hilaire , April 10, 2016 , 6

How do we answer this question? In a moment I’m going to ask you to come with me in shifting perspective…ever so slightly — yet powerfully…so you can answer this question for yourself. Mind Body Connection: We all want to live more meaningful,vibrant, fulfilling lives with less stress and more joy. And there has been […]

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