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Home to All Things Feldenkrais - Sunyata Movement Studio Inc.

Overcome pain or injuries by changing the way you move. With the Feldenkrais Method®, I'll help you reprogram your movement patterns.



Overcome pain or injuries by changing the way you move.
With the Feldenkrais Method®, I'll help you reprogram your movement patterns.

Insights on Movement: Recent Blog Highlights

Effortless Effort: The Path to Power & Grace

By Gisele St. Hilaire , June 10, 2016 , 0

In last week’s post, I introduced this series on Quality Movement. In it, I suggest that “good posture” isn’t necessarily all its cracked up to be. This week, we’ll take a look at another way to consider “posture”, and explain more about the nature of the first of the four elements of quality movement, the […]

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Want Quality Movement? Learn the Less is More Rule

By Gisele St. Hilaire , June 3, 2016 , 2

Overcoming beliefs about good posture is one of the biggest challenges to be overcome by people I see. Suffering pain, they are often doing everything they can to have “good posture”. What they often don’t realize is that all that effort they’re putting into having good posture is detrimental to having quality movement. There are […]

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Getting the Greatest ROI From Your Feldenkrais Lessons

By Gisele St. Hilaire , May 27, 2016 , 6

One of the most common questions I’m asked from new clients after their first Feldenkrais lesson or two is: “How do I keep this?!” Even if you practice mindfulness — in whatever form…. And have gained enough wisdom to recognize the impermanence of all things… You probably still recognize that question sneaking up quietly in […]

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How To Find the Power & Strength to Move with Grace & Ease, Even if You Have a Back Injury

By Gisele St. Hilaire , May 22, 2016 , 2

Hard Questions He sure knew how to ask them. This guy was a thinker. He liked to project an air of confidence. And he seemed to like a good debate and an intellectual challenge. Rich* had an extensive background in movement and fitness based practices. He taught fitness classes at a studio I used to […]

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How to Change Self Limiting Beliefs & Live Your Dreams Using the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ

By Gisele St. Hilaire , May 13, 2016 , 2

I’m often asked what the difference is between what I’d do for a person treating them with physiotherapy compared to giving a person a FeldenkraisⓇ lesson. Usually when someone asks me this I’ll talk about the difference between: A therapeutic model (physiotherapy) and an educational model (Feldenkrais MethodⓇ) Treating a part to fix or correct […]

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Are You Letting Limiting Beliefs Sabotage Your Health & Well-Being?

By Gisele St. Hilaire , May 6, 2016 , 9

Limiting beliefs make a deeply fulfilled, healthy life very difficult if not impossible. My first definition of health is somebody who is capable of realizing his or her un-avowed dreams.” ~Moshe Feldenkrais In a lecture Moshe Feldenkrais gave called “Self-fulfillment Through Organic Learning”, Feldenkrais did what he always did — he made abstract notions concrete. In […]

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