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Getting Back Your Back Full Pack - B - Sunyata Movement Studio Inc. -

Get Relief

Discover a Long-Term Solution for Your Low Back Pain

Start on the path to become pain-free today.

Moreover, imagine leading a life not dominated by constant pain, where you can move freely, indulge in activities that you love, and enjoy an elevated sense of well-being!

The ones who've overcome this hurdle have unlocked certain secrets in the Feldenkrais Method®

And now, you too have the opportunity to discover these secrets...

This year, many individuals who battle chronic pain have set a new goal - to mitigate their back pain.

Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that a lot of them won't be able to achieve this.

A lucky few will manage to enhance their overall wellness, improve their mobility, and prevent back pain from interfering with their daily lives.

However, the majority will still be plagued by chronic pain. You don’t have to be.

Here's what the Getting Back Your Back 2.0 Full Pack brings to your table


and hints and tips on how to lessen back pain and evade potential back issues that are easy to incorporate in day-to-day activities.


to all the recordings and you can also download the lessons for future use.


guided movements that target the root of back pain problems to relieve back pain and enhance posture.


right from the first lesson itself, you'll begin to experience a notable reduction in back pain, enhanced mobility, flexibility, and an overall sense of relaxation and well-being...

Does this sound familiar to you?

Does it seem like you're making some progress, only to find yourself dealing

with the same discomfort over and over again?

And, in spite of your hopes to improve your mobility...

Do you find yourself dealing with increased pain and discomfort?

You may be feeling discouraged, frustrated, and despondent.

It's common to start doubting yourself, wondering...

What could be missing?

Are you making a mistake somewhere?

Is there a lack of motivation or strength?

Because, no matter how much effort you put in, you're still struggling with chronic back pain.

Let's work together to change this.

I understand if you've ever felt alone, struggling with persistent back pain or limited mobility.

Remember, this is not a unique problem and it's certainly not your fault if you've tried methods like core exercise programs, pilates, yoga or physical therapy and haven't obtained the relief you were hoping for.

The truth about chronic back pain is that it's often misunderstood.

Even in conventional medical practices, back pain is frequently chalked up to just a natural part of aging and treated with pain medication, harsh exercise programs or even surgery.

However, you've likely realized that these treatments provide only short-term relief and come with their own set of complications and risks.

Similarly, ignoring back pain in the hope that it goes away is not a viable solution. It often leads to more severe chronic issues. So, those strategies only work for a lucky few.

You might have even questioned why some people seem to manage their back pain more effectively.

If it were as simple as just enduring the pain, wouldn't we all be living pain-free lives?

Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Many of us continue to struggle with back pain despite our best efforts.

Let me introduce you to the

This is an exceptional solution for anyone dealing with back pain who is looking for effective, enduring relief.

It offers straightforward lessons designed to alleviate back pain and prevent its recurrence, eliminating the need for temporary measures.

This program stands out among other physical therapy solutions available.

What makes this unique is that it not only helps improve your posture and alignment but also your true, deep core stability while boosting your mood and energy levels.

And all this without making you feel like you are constantly battling chronic pain or having to accept that back pain is a natural part of aging!

Now, of course, you might be skeptical.

With plenty of past failed attempts at finding relief from chronic pain, it's reasonable to have doubts.

But this course is different.

With this program, you can finally say goodbye to ineffective solutions such as hoping that pain will just vanish or banking on pain medication, chiropractors or surgery.

Now, this might seem too good to be true...

But having used these techniques to alleviate my own back pain and having worked with countless other chronic pain sufferers to help them achieve relief, I am confident that this Feldenkrais program will work wonders for you as well.

And it's not just about my personal experience.

The evidence speaks for itself:

I was in constant agony with my back and legs due to problems in my sacro-iliac (SI) joint and The difference is outstanding. I’ve paid more money to highly trained physiotherapists yet I get more results from the subtle work of Feldenkrais. Thank you for your expertise!


This has helped me get back to hobbies I honestly thought were lost to me. It’s transferable to everything. Physically and in other ways.

~Rick Denbo

Are you truly prepared to alleviate your back pain and improve your overall health?

You'll discover an innovative approach to back pain relief.

This package provides you with everything you need to reduce back pain and live a life free from chronic discomfort.

It's a one-stop solution to reclaim your back and improve your quality of life.

Valerie Headshot Round 1 copy

I was in constant agony with my back and legs due to problems in my sacro-iliac (SI) joint and bulging discs; it felt like I was falling apart. But ever since I started working with Gisele, my life has completely turned around. My back feels a thousand times better. I've been able to return to doing the things I love, like taking my dogs out for long walks and tending to my garden. I've even managed to get back to some of the more adventurous stuff like traveling, hiking, canoeing, and camping..

~Valerie Regehr

Imagine being able to get back to the activities you love without the constant nagging of back pain.

That's what this Feldenkrais program can do for you!

Valerie is just one of the many people who have seen significant improvement.

And, there are many more stories just like Valerie's. Stories of people who were able to find relief from chronic pain and get back to living their life to the fullest.

So why wait? Start your journey towards a pain-free life today.

Living with back pain is like having a heavy burden that weighs on your every move and thought.

Every twist, every bend, every step sends an undeniable message of suffering. It's a grim reality that may drain not only your health but also your wallet.

You can find yourself caught in a relentless cycle of appointments with doctors, chiropractors or physical therapists or continuously shelling out on painkillers.

The tally is often more than just the cost; it is the loss of joyous moments and the freedom of being pain-free.

You might imagine that for such a comprehensive solution as the "Getting Back Your Back 2.0 Full Pack," you'd have to shell out something like $450 CAD.

And why not?

It offers a superior approach, carefully devised to help you tap into your body's extraordinary healing abilities, put a final end to your pain, and defy the often ineffective and expensive traditional treatments.

Are we expensive?

In comparison to traditional methods, with the unseen costs of physical discomfort, time spent, and potential risks, this program certainly offers value. But here's the silver lining. I'm not asking you to part with $450 CAD. Nor are we asking you to add an extra $20 on top of that.

All I ask is for an investment of $129 CAD from you.

Compare that to what you might spend on continuous doctor visits, relentless medication, or a whole year of gym membership-and the balance tips in favor of this program. Most importantly, imagine a life where you're not just existing but thriving, devoid of pain. A life where you can move freely, without the chains of suffering.

That's a priceless experience.

And it can be yours for a simple sum of $129 CAD.

Are you still considering if this is the right program to alleviate your chronic pain?

Let me offer you a little something extra...

If you decide to start now I'll include the Graceful Power Trifecta at absolutely no additional cost.

Take advantage of this unique offer.

Normally priced at $45, now yours for free.

These 3 bonus Awareness Through Movement® lessons are designed to promote dynamic stability for your lower back and overall well-being.

These additional movement lessons are designed to instill a sense of lightness and ease and enhance your wellness and self-connection - a state I like to call "graceful power."

Purchase the Getting Back Your Back 2.0 Full Pack today, and I will include the Graceful Power Holics for free. Join today.

I completely respect your need to explore all your options. But remember, I am offering an efficient and budget-friendly way to relieve and ultimately banish back pain without resorting to expensive treatments or surgeries. So, feel free to make a confident and worry-free decision today. Your future self, free from back trouble and full of vitality, will thank you!

Looking forward to being part of your wellness journey,

Gisele St. Hilaire