Fundamental Groundwork
Improve ANY and ALL movements by refining the fundamentals.
Ten lessons exploring the primary principles of movement that lead to true dynamic stability (or to some, "core" stability). Your relationship to the ground and the organization of your "abdominal cylinder" is fundamental to comfortable, effortless, powerful movement.

Getting Back Your Back 2.0 - Full Pack
For a supple, strong back, ATM™ lessons plus Hints & Tips, Demo videos and more
Revolutionize your understanding of core stability. 6 Awareness Through Movement® lessons plus 13 short videos with hints, tips, demos, and Q & A. 99% of participants achieve a remarkable new sense of comfort, suppleness, and power through this program.

The Walking Series
Improve your walking, balance, posture and more.
10 Week Home Audio Program to improve your walking, balance and posture. Includes 10 weekly Awareness Through Movement(R) lessons, plus very short, daily Mini-Movement-Awareness Primers.

Freeing Your Shoulders, Arms and Hands
Develop dexterity and ease through awareness.
Six lessons to improve the functioning, coordination, freedom and comfort of your upper extremities by discovering the important relationship of your arms to your ribs, breastbone and spine.

Feet & Ankles
Build your foundation to natural and effortless movement.
10 ATM™ lessons to improve flexibility and co-ordination of your feet and ankles for better balance, standing, walking.

Free Your Head, Neck and Eyes
Access deep, reflexive connections with awareness & move with incredible lightness.
Six lessons to give you greater freedom and comfort of your neck, improve the carriage of your head and your posture, decrease eye strain, enhance your overall balance and more.

Finding Your Seat Program
Finding effortless, upright sitting through bending and twisting.
Six lessons to help you find more comfort and ease in sitting - improving the carriage of your head, posture and your breathing while giving you a lightness in your arms and more.